Tuesday 20 February 2007

tooth ache!

I have really bad toothache! its really sore and it makes it hard for me to eat! thats not always a bad thing since i've put some weight on recently and its depressing me now! oh well!

work is hard at the min! people keep phoning in sick which means we're trying to work things out and then someone else butts in and decides something else and then if we dont listen to her we're accused of undermining her! oh well! most of us just get on with it now and ignore her!

wedding plans are getting there very slowly! its really bad at the min though cos we've not sent invites out which is a bit bad! oh well! cant do much about it all now!

just a thought, if anyone actually reads my blog, please may you leave me a little message so that i know i'm loved cos i feel a bit unloved at the min! :( (thats wot toothache does to me!)


Carl said...

Hey! I read! Hope you're ok.

Nat said...

woo! only just realised i've got a reader - better go and post then!

thanks for reading carl!

Phill said...

:) i do read it occasionally :p