Tuesday 20 February 2007

tooth ache!

I have really bad toothache! its really sore and it makes it hard for me to eat! thats not always a bad thing since i've put some weight on recently and its depressing me now! oh well!

work is hard at the min! people keep phoning in sick which means we're trying to work things out and then someone else butts in and decides something else and then if we dont listen to her we're accused of undermining her! oh well! most of us just get on with it now and ignore her!

wedding plans are getting there very slowly! its really bad at the min though cos we've not sent invites out which is a bit bad! oh well! cant do much about it all now!

just a thought, if anyone actually reads my blog, please may you leave me a little message so that i know i'm loved cos i feel a bit unloved at the min! :( (thats wot toothache does to me!)

Wednesday 7 February 2007

here i am!

Just in case you all thought i was playing hide and seek and had got lost, I'm here! hehe

its been a bit of a manic few weeks of every time i get anywhere near a computer i've literally got time ti check my emails and hope i havent got any that need replies to (dont normally anyway - no1 sends me emails of any use! lol) but today i have a bit longer so thought i'd post!

work is going really well! i'm really enjoying it in the room that i'm in! lets just hope management can see how well i'm doing and they dont move me out of the room! i dont want to leave them now! i fallen in love with the children! hehe

everything else seems relatively ok at the min i think! i'm constantly tired and my back hurts which is about normal really!

oh i am getting new glasses tho! thats something thats exciting me at the min! i get to pick them up next week sometime! i cant wait! i might be ablt to read what i'm actually typing at the moment then! hehe apparently i'm actually having to try focusing about 3 inches behind whatever i'm looking at otherwise i cant see it! no wonder i'm playing some awful notes in band - i'm examining whoever is sitting in front of me for nits whilst trying to play my part! hehe

anyway, hope you're ok whoever "you" are! will post again soon!